
Pendang Lawyer and Law Firm List

Find the best lawyer in Pendang from our law firm list and get all the necessary information to help you choose the most suitable Pendang lawyer for your need.

Click on the list of law firms below to find detailed information on the phone number, website, address, and other essential information. We even listed the lawyer's qualification and admission date to help you decide the best lawyer for you.

All the Pendang lawyers and law firms on this website are registered with the Malaysian Bar Council to ensure legitimacy. The bar was created under the Legal Profession Act 1976. It is an independent Bar to protect the interest of the legal profession and the public.

Show Lawyers in Map View

Latifah & Co., Pendang

No. 70B, Hadapan Sek. Keb. Kampung Baru, 06750 Pendang, Kedah


Zulaikha Mahadzir & Associates, Pendang

No. 162, Tingkat Atas, Jalan Sukamari, Pekan Pendang Baru, 06700 Pendang, Kedah

This website brings together lawyers from various fields such as real estate, syariah or syarie, family, employment, civil, crime, and so on. In addition, there are lawyers from listed law firms that provide services in legal fields such as banking, bankruptcy, finance, commercial, corporate, and contract. There are also lawyers that provide legal and legal services in taxation, government, arbitration, litigation, and many more.